Outrageous Orchids

Orchid Adventures

First things first, do you know what an orchid looks like and the defining characteristics of an orchid? If not, then you should familiarize yourself with the basics first before trying nto identify orchids in their natural, wild environment. Can you recognize some of the natural habitats of orchids where they thrive? If not then do some googling and research on orchids before you set out to find them. Learn what they look like and what areas or regions you might find orchids growing wild. This will give you a better chance of finding them when you set out on your nature hike.

However, if you want to increase your odds of finding wild orchids, then you could contact an expert! Who is an expert on orchids you might ask? Well there are several places that could offer you the information you seek. You might start with the Department of Natural Resources which has an office in each state. They will connect you to the person in their office in your state who may know which area wild orchids may grow. You can also contact a chapter of the American Orchid Society in your state, botany departments at colleges, or even high school science teachers.

After you are given the clues you need to zoom in on a location where orchids may grow wild in nature, you can then plan your hiking trail to be in that same area. A park ranger may also be a good person to call when trying to locate a good hiking trail where you may come across orchids growing wild in nature.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that orchids are usually a protected plant. Any department or organization you contact will urge you to protect and conserve orchids in the wild and not to remove them from their natural environment because orchids in North America are surviving on the brink of extinction. We discuss why that may be happening in another blog post. But just remember to be kind to orchids and do not remove them from their natural environment. Enjoy the natural beauty that orchids add to the world and let them live their natural life!