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  • Outrageous Orchids


How to find Wild Orchids on a Nature Hike

First things first, do you know what an orchid looks like and the defining characteristics of an orchid? If not, then you should familiarize yourself...

Dendrobium Orchid

This is a Dendrobium Orchid. It is a sympodial orchid. Dendrobium are mostly epiphytic (tree-growing or lithophytic (rock-growing). The word dendrobium is derived from the...

What is the difference between Sympodial versus Monopodial Orchids?

Orchids generally fall into two categories regarding the direction they grow: Sympodial and Monopodial. SYMPODIAL Most orchids have a sympodial growth pattern meaning that they...

What are the Different Types of Orchids?

In general, orchids are divided into categories which are based on their different growth habits. Three common categories of orchids are 1) Epiphytes, 2) Lithophytes...